
Letters to the Editor

Delayed school opening desirable

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Many parents were concerned at the discussions on the social media that schools might be opened in September. In view of the risks of infections due to the risingnumber of cases of coronavirusinfection in the country, school reopening at this stage could have been suicidal. So, it's been a relief to know that authorities are optimistic about reopening schools in December.
Let me in this context mention that online classes being taken by some schools and universities are useful, at least for making up for the losses. Those who argue that online classes are not effective have somehow ignored the benefits of getting familiar with the use of technology and keeping engaged with schools from home. Yes, one may point out that our communication skills are still not up to the expected level andthe internet speed and power supply are a problem. Even so,, our children can improve their skill fromhere.
Sabrina Sadat
Dhanmondi, Dhaka
[email protected]