
Democracy brings peace and prosperity

M Jalal Hussain | Tuesday, 24 February 2015

The minimum requirement of all human beings irrespective of age, race or gender, is to live in a place wherever he or she does, in peace and tranquility. With technology playing a dominant role these days in bequeathing prosperity to millions around the world, people's yarning for peace has become more and more dominant. Although the present century is known to have risen to the peak of peace and prosperity, majority of the world population are bereft of education, science and technologies that are sine qua non for peace and progress. Many factors are responsible for it, but failures of leaders, politicians and policy-makers are the major ones. Peace is a manifestation of harmony characterised by lack of violence, conflicting behaviour and reconciliation instead of violence. Prosperity is characterised by economic solvency, economic prosperity, health and happiness. Peace and prosperity are beyond the reach of people in many countries predominantly due to lack of democracy, presence of rampant corruption, absence of accountability, violation of basic human rights, absence of the rule of law and justice, etc.
The position of ten branded cities and ten well-known countries of the world, which have been declared as the most peaceful and prosperous by several analysts and researchers, suggests that genuine practice of democracy earned them the coveted status of the most prosperous and peaceful nations. Some essential dynamics are prerequisites for attaining lasting peace and prosperity in a society and these are: establishment of basic human rights, providing education to all citizens, making the country corruption-free, proper implementation of law and justice, having honest and dedicated leaders, unity and nationalism among the citizens.
In the modern-day world what is happening in some countries of Africa, Asia and the Middle East are indeed awe-inspiring. Extra-judicial killings, ethnic cleansing, political annihilation, civil wars etc. have become a part of life so much so that even the superpowers, UNO and its affiliated bodies are unable to stem the rot. The conflicting and war-torn countries did not see semblance of democracy for centuries. Dictators, autocrats and military rulers ruled on their own trampling fundamental rights under their boots. The fate, shape and nature of democracy in many countries around the globe are still uncertain and autocracy is actually being practised in the name of democracy by some autocrats and dictators. Violations of fundamental human rights and the UN Human Charter in the form of oppression, torture and extra-judicial killings are dominant.
Only democracy can help produce good and dedicated leaders who can protect the rights of the people, rule of law and sustainable development.
Many naturally resourceful countries of the Middle East and Africa did not have democracy for decades. The kings, autocrats and the dictators of those countries brought about artificial or cosmetic development which did not last as civil and racial wars broke out.
For example, Nigeria, an oil-rich country, exports two million barrels a day but  has failed to transform its wealth into prosperity and meaningful development due to political instability arising out from fighting among different ethnic groups. In spite of being an oil rich country, Nigeria could not attain peace and progress due to absence of proper democracy.
American President Woodrow Wilson stated in his address to Congress in 1917 that "a steadfast concert of peace can never be maintained except by a partnership of democratic nations." Some seventy seven years later, another American President, Bill Clinton told the Congress, "The best strategy to ensure our security and to build a durable peace is to support the advance of democracy elsewhere. Democracies don't attack each other."
It is universally accepted that democratic system of government can serve the people, ensure rule of law and justice, provide ethical defence, develop the spirit of patriotism, ensure peaceful transfer of power by governments and guarantee freedom and civil liberty.
 The writer is the CFO of a private group of industries.  [email protected]