
Developing capacities for academic creativity

M A Islam | Sunday, 20 July 2008

Plagiarism, as is refered in wikipedia, is "the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work".

Plagiarism is considered as one of the most severe crimes in the civilized world. In Bangladesh, unfortunately, students are frequently found to copy from their texts and guidebooks. This is really causing great harm to them. They are learning to memorise their set answers available in the 'guide books' or from their tutors, instead of producing answers on their own. They always think of taking help from such other sources. Apparently they might do good in the exam, but the long term effect of such bad practice is: they cannot think independently.

As stated here, by taking help from guide books or from tutors, may be these students can pass the exam, but at later stage it will be difficult for them to cross stages of professional life, since professional world is really competitive and demands for creative and original thinking.

In our education system students need to be continually encouraged to think on their own. For example, when they will be writing essays, they should depend on their own thoughts and ideas and should never borrow language from other sources. Teachers should always give credit for those scripts which reflect original and innovative thoughts and ideas.

In this age of Internet, it has been easier than ever before to copy from others' writings. Students must not misutilise these Internet resources. They can surely gather knowledge from various sources available through Internet, but they should never copy vehemently. They can only quote with proper reference.

If students can avoid plagiarism, it is likely that they can grow up as individual talents and that will be helpful for their success in later life as well.

Avoiding plagiarism will make students inspired to study more and more and thus they will be able to express their own ideas and thoughts on their scripts.