
Dhaka to help Suva with skilled, semi-skilled manpower

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

FE Report
Bangladesh is ready to help Fiji in its development with skilled and semi-skilled manpower.
Bangladesh High Commissioner (HC) to the Republic of the Fiji Islands M Humayun Kabir said this while presenting his credentials to Fijian President Ratu Josefa Iloilovatu Uluivuda in Suva Tuesday.
Bangladesh HC expressed his satisfaction at the friendly relations that exist between the two countries.
The Fijian President also reciprocated the goodwill and said that Fiji was proud to have Bangladesh as their friend.
The high commissioner also expressed the willingness to work in collaboration with Fiji on development issues including micro-credit and women empowerment.
The president showed keen interest to the ideas espoused by the high commissioner and said Fiji will be ready to work with Bangladesh.
The Bangladesh high commissioner called on Fijian Prime Minister Jesaia Voreque Bainimarama, Minister for Foreign Affairs and External Trade Epeli Nailatikau, Minister for Finance, National Planning and Sugar Industry Mahendra Chaudhury on the day.
He also discussed issues of mutual interest with them.