
Discussion on China-BD business dev

FE Online Report | Saturday, 15 March 2014

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited in Bangladesh, with support from Chinese Chamber of Commerce, recently organised a discussion platform on the topic of ‘Bangladesh - China Business Outlook’.  Li Jun, Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh, Andrew Tilke, Chief Executive Officer of HSBC Bangladesh, Li Zhen, Head of China Outbound of HSBC China, Bai Junkun, Chairman, China Chamber of Commerce and Shahidul Islam, Research Fellow and Consultant at the Institute of Governance Studies (IGS), BRAC University, Dhaka, were the speakers of the session. The speakers discussed about how the bilateral trade relationship between Bangladesh and China has evolved through time, the opportunities both the economies have to offer to the businesses in Bangladesh and China and how HSBC, as the leading international bank, can facilitate global trade.