

Documenting Bangabandhu’s visionary approach in governance

Enayetullah Khan | Friday, 14 April 2023

Bangladesh’s enviable position in the world today is due in large part to the political philosophy that Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman exemplified during his three-and-a-half-year tenure. It was not an easy task to take the mantle of a newly emerged, war-torn state. He was the head of state for a very brief period, ruling an entirely new government. However, his wisdom in decision-making always resonated with the overriding interest of his people, the people of Bangladesh.
Showcasing the brilliance of the Father of the Nation as a prolific and successful administrator of Bangladesh, writer-researcher and esteemed Bangladeshi civil-servant Mohammad Tofazzel Hossain Miah documented the eventful period of Bangabandhu’s government in an extraordinary book titled Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman-er Sarkar: Desh Nirmaner Moulik Ruprekha (Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s Government: Basic Blueprint for Nation-Building), which was published earlier this year from Pathak Shamabesh. Unveiled by Bangabandhu’s daughter Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who also wrote the foreword of the book, the 492-page thoroughly-researched publication has demonstrated how Bangabandhu envisioned a far-reaching, wide-ranging approach to building a country based on the spirit of the Liberation War.
“Under his (Bangabandhu) leadership, a comprehensive administrative framework set out on a direction to accomplish the Bengalis’ long-held desire and build a modern state that was grounded in the ideals of the Liberation War. He developed both short- and long-term strategies to implement all of the fundamental issues that a state must address,” the author narrates in the preface to the book. The author went on to demonstrate the discrimination between East Pakistan and West Pakistan with facts, data and statistics. He presented historical issues like the role of civil administration during the time of the 1971 Liberation War, the first cabinet meeting of Bangabandhu’s government, and the first session of the first Constituent Assembly - to name just a few. The author highlighted Bangabandhu’s wisdom and prudence in the First Five-Year Plan, the First Budget and the prosecution of war crimes during his tenure.
Quoting from Bangabandhu’s speech in the Constituent Assembly session in the chapter ‘Post-Independence hardship and reality,’ the author emphasises that Bangabandhu wanted to build the country based on the four fundamental principles of the 1972 constitution - nationalism, socialism, democracy and secularism. In the chapter ‘Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib’s visionary diplomacy’, the author sequentially mentions important events such as establishing relations with various states and international organisations, diplomatic success, gaining further recognition across the world and signing multiple significant agreements. A total of 126 countries recognised Bangladesh during Bangabandhu’s lifetime. To address how much of a visionary statesman the Father of the Nation had been during his tenure, Miah mentions that Bangabandhu adopted a policy of non-alignment during the fiery period of the Cold War, avoiding the possibilities of major conflicts. The political and diplomatic policy demonstrated by Bangabandhu during that brief period of his governance is the motivation behind the glorious position of Bangladesh in today’s world, the author states in the book.
With the dedication of a diligent researcher, Mohammad Tofazzel Hossain Miah reviewed the timely steps taken by the Bangabandhu government on urgent issues.
In the conclusion of the book, the author reflects on his observation that the transformation of Bangladesh into a developing nation began back in the days of Bangabandhu. “It was the Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who envisioned and constructed the basic structures to build a successful Bangladesh, especially in terms of its governance and administration. Bangabandhu’s daughter and successor, Honourable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, laid the groundwork for every advancement following the direction taken by her father in establishing this country. Behind all the major achievements of Bangladesh in today’s world, there has been the influential and majestic presence of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the heroic Father of the Nation, who touched and surpassed every milestone.”
Currently serving as Principal Secretary of the Prime Minister’s office, Mohammad Tofazzel Hossain Miah completed his undergraduate and graduate studies in English Literature at Dhaka University and completed his postgraduate studies at BRAC University. In his esteemed career, he successfully performed his duties as a Secretary, Director General, and Private Secretary to the Prime Minister.
The author has made a pioneering contribution through the volume under review, by demonstrating a holistic understanding of the entire timeline and approaches of the Bangabandhu government through a systematic format. The amount of time and effort the author has put in to complete this top-drawer scholarly work in spite of his busy schedule is courageous and admirable; and due to its well-researched narrative, the book is a must-read for researchers, development workers, policymakers and all who wish to understand the country.

Enayetullah Khan is Editor-in-Chief of UNB and Dhaka Courier