
Donald Lu coming to take bilateral relations ahead

Says Quader

Monday, 13 May 2024

Awami League General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader on Sunday said US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Donald Lu is coming to Bangladesh to take ahead the relations between Bangladesh and the USA, reports BSS.
"Donald Lu is coming to take ahead the relations. He will talk to the government. But BNP is thinking absurd things that the US will again impose sanctions," he told a press conference at AL President Sheikh Hasina's Dhanmondi political office in the capital.
Quader said earlier BNP made such absurd comments repeatedly. Being boycotted by the people, BNP gets perplexed and makes absurd comments.
He said Donald Lu is coming to Bangladesh to follow up the letter sent by US President Joe Biden congratulating Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on her reelection in the 12th national elections.
The AL general secretary said BNP has suddenly become very active over the visit of Donald Lu but his visit is a usual one.
Now BNP knows it well whether they have any evil plan to do something centering the visit, he said.
About BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir's comment that "invisible force is running Bangladesh", Quader said Mirza Fakhrul should make it clear which invisible force is running the country.
BNP secretary general's press conference means crafty strategy to present fake information as true one, he said, adding BNP leaders' fundamental characteristic is to make falsehood.
Noting people's government is running the country, the minister said it is BNP's character to run the government by invisible force as during the BNP tenure, the government was run from Hawa Bhaban.
During that period, nothing happened without getting approval from Tarique Rahman, the kingpin of corruption, he said.
The plot to launch the gruesome grenade attacks on August 21 was hatched from Hawa Bhaban, he said, adding BNP is suffering from mental trauma of invisible force.
The AL general secretary said BNP doesn't want to take part in elections without getting guarantee of their victory.