
Earning to pay for one's own education has positive sides

Sunday, 24 June 2007

FE Special
WITH inflation, education expenses have become higher than ever before. While in a private university in Bangladesh, a student has to spend high for the tuition and other fees, and to maintain a minimum life standard, a student in a public university also has spend for every year for admission and examination fees, and of course for maintaining a life standard.
Everyone is not fortunate enough to manage education fees from their parents/guardians. Many of the students have to earn themselves.
Those who earn themselves grow as struggling and confident persons. Of course, they also have to sacrifice their valuable study hour, sweet companionship of their fellow classmates and many other attractive aspects of campus life.
When you are earning on your own, you get the pleasure of earning. You are struggling before your professional struggle begins and this gives you confidence necessary for professional life. You start believing in your ability and this helps you do good in your academic life.
Also, you have very little chance of going astray. You almost do not have time to mix with persons from whom you can gain nothing.
But there are disadvantages of earning on your own as well. You may be over-confident about your professional life and this might inspire you to be less serious in studies. For example, if you are doing tuition now, and you are thinking of continuing this even after your student life in case you do not get a job, you might be less serious in your studies. So be cautious!
Also, when you are doing a part-time job or tuition, your friends probably are engaged in group studies. You may miss those opportunities!
Suppose, you are on the flow of studying and at afternoon, you will have to go outside for earning money. This might be harmful for your devotion to studies.
Ideally, it would be good if you could devotedly spend time in studies, without being involved in any earning activity. But again, if the reality is so that you are bound to earn, don't be disappointed. Just be extra cautious, utilize the best of your time. You must succeed in your academic life, and of course in your professional life! Who knows the struggle you underwent in your academic life might be a great blessing for you for your later life.