
EC firm to prepare perfect voter list: Election commissioners

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

RAJSHAHI, July 23 (BSS): Election commissioners Mohammad Sohul Hossain and Sakhawat Hossain Monday categorically said the Election Commission (EC) is committed to preparing a perfect and transparent voter list with photographs.
"Our position is clear and we need cent per cent accurate service from the field level staff especially the assistant registration officer, supervisor and enumerator to attain the target", they said.
After successful completion of Shreepur Pilot Project, Rajshahi is our second goal for preparing the voter list with photographs so it also has to be made successful with a concerted effort, they expressed the hope.
The election commissioners were addressing a coordination meeting on 'formulating voter list with photographs and election' with different district and upazila level administrative and EC officials and some concerned military officials in the conference hall of Deputy Commissioner here.
They also said all the authorities concerned have a vital role for executing the work properly as the EC is not alone responsible for the job. They asked the field level officials to remain alert so that no voter could enlist his or her name with more than one centre in the voter list.
Stressing the need for proper identification of the voters, they said utmost sincerity is essential for the purpose. Both the winners and defeated candidates in the past elections and the religious leaders could be incorporated in the identification work.
Highlighting various aspects of a transparent voter list, the commissioners asked the field level officials to consider their work as a national duty and said no negligence and incompetence would be tolerated in this connection.
Deputy Commissioner Khalilur Rahman, Commissioner-in-charge of RMP Abul Kashem, Rajshahi City Corporation (RCC) Chief Executive Officer Korban Ali and other officials concerned were present on the occasion.