
EC sits on 303 controversial officers

Saturday, 28 July 2007

The Election Commission (EC) has not yet published the results of the competency test the 303 controversial upazila election officers sat about two and a half months ago, reports bdnews24.com.
The EC officials would not say anything either about why the results were being delayed, leaving the upazila election officers allegedly drafted on political bias to wait with bated breath.
Chances are there of a fresh controversy brewing up if the officers appointed during the BNP-Jamaat coalition government's rule in 2005, again engage in the preparation of a final voter list.
"The 303 upazila election officers may be engaged in preparing the final voter list with photographs in 10 municipal areas including Rajshahi and Khulna city corporations from August", an EC official speaking on condition of anonymity as he was not supposed to brief the media, said.
"It will create apprehension of the new voter list being controversial", the official said.
The Dhaka University's Institute of Business Administration (IBA) took the tests on behalf of the EC on May 18. The pass mark was 50 out of 100 marks in the two-hour test and the question paper was prepared by the IBA.
An official with the IBA, preferring to remain unnamed on the same ground rule, said Thursday night they had sent the test results to the EC two weeks ago.
Election Commissioner M Sakhawat Hossain Friday said, "I know nothing about this matter." He refused to say anything further.
EC Secretary Muhammad Humayun Kabir had earlier told journalists that 320 upazila election officers were selected on political consideration, touching off controversy.
The EC had arranged a fresh competency test for the officials appointed on temporary basis, 17 of whom later resigned.
Those who would pass the competency test would be appointed permanently.
"The EC has not yet informed us when the results will be out. We have been suffering from utter uncertainty for the last two and a half months", Rashid Miah Sagar, an upazila election officer, who participated in the test, said.