
Echoes of tradition at BUP Folk Fest 2024

Yeasin Arafat Limon and Afsara Tasnim Ayshi | Sunday, 12 May 2024

The saying "A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people" highlights how important culture is to a country and its citizens. It suggests that to truly understand who we are as a nation, we need to look at our cultural heritage. The BUP Cultural Forum, a well-known club at Bangladesh University of Professionals, shares this belief. They have been promoting the essence of our local culture for a long time. Continuing this tradition, they organised "Folk Fest 2024" this year.
The main theme of the festival was "Let the gentle tunes of the countryside echo the essence of folk culture". This year, with the participation of 12 universities from across the country, the BUP Cultural Forum hosted a two-day festival on May 04 and 05 at the BUP campus. On the opening day, over 120 participants from various universities competed in four categories: Art, Folk Songs (Hason/Lalon), Folk Songs (Polligiti), and Folk Dance.
The guests at the festival included Pro Vice Chancellor of BUP, Professor Khondoker Mokaddam Hossain, Dean Brigadier General Mohammad Shamsul Arefin, and Club Moderator Lieutenant Colonel H M Anwar Ali. Additionally, Prantik Dev, Ibn Rajan, and Muhammad Anisur Rahman served as judges, bringing their significant contributions to the realms of art, literature, and culture. Lieutenant Colonel HM Anwar Ali, the club moderator, delivered the closing speech on the first day, expressing best wishes for the BUP Cultural Forum's future endeavours and hoping for more festivals to come. On the second day, Professor Khondoker Mokaddam Hossain presented prizes and checks to the competition winners.
In the Lalon/Hason segment, a team from American International University of Bangladesh emerged as the champion, while Proyash Institute of Special Education and Research claimed victory in the Art segment. The home team secured wins in the Folk Music and Folk Dance segments. The Folk Fest 2024 proved to be a successful event, focusing on reconnecting with our cultural roots. The enthusiastic participation from students of all universities throughout the day introduced a new way of celebrating our heritage through friendly competition. Professor Khondoker Mokaddam Hossain extended a warm welcome to all participants and commended the dedication of the clubs that contributed to the success of the event.
The BUP Cultural Forum, driven by a relentless commitment to enriching cultural practices within the university environment, received praise from Pro VC of BUP, Professor Dr Khondoker Mokaddam Hossain, for the successful organisation of the Folk Fest. Expressing his delight, he extended wishes for the future success of students hailing from diverse regions of the country. He remarked, "I am very happy and proud of this initiative of BUP Cultural Forum to preserve the folk culture of Bangladesh at this time."
With over 200 members, the club consistently hosts events to delve deeper into local culture. Following the success of the third edition in 2023, the club continued its efforts with the fourth edition named BUP Folk Fest 2024. Club President Adnan Afroz expressed determination, stating, "The responsibility is substantial, yet the club remains committed to upholding cultural values and organising the folk fest annually with improved planning." General Secretary of BUPCF, Avishek Chowdhury, highlighted the unwavering support from faculty and members, emphasising the club's pledge to expand nationally in the future.
The success of the Folk Fest in 2024 not only serves as a confidence booster for the BUP Cultural Forum but also ignites a renewed sense of purpose and enthusiasm within its members. Encouraged by the positive reception and impact of the festival, the club is driven to organise a set of diverse and engaging cultural programmes in the future. In an era dominated by globalisation, where the rapid pace of change often distances us from our cultural roots, these events play a crucial role in providing opportunities for individuals to reconnect with their heritage.The BUP Cultural Forum is dedicated to celebrating and appreciating culture. Through every event, the club aims to strengthen the bond between people and their heritage, promoting a feeling of belonging and pride. By embracing our cultural legacy, the BUP Cultural Forum preserves and celebrates traditions for future generations to enjoy.
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