
Letters to the Editor

Education and research

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Politicians have to pay some price for their mistakes or misdeeds, if any, but our public universities, run with taxpayers' money, are not yet brought under any effective accountability mechanism. We are appalled to read reports of corruption involving millions of Taka at these institutions. We see projects worth over Tk 1,000 crore (10 billion) for physical infrastructure building when research remains the most neglected area even at the country's leading universities. There are poorly written text at the designated section of research on the websites of a major university. Research is an important element of university ranking worldwide and the state of research in our educational institutions shows why they fail to find any position in the global ranking. There is hardly any interest in offering PhD by most of the faculties whereas the universities are meant for education and research, not merely issuing certificates confirming Bachelor's and Master's degrees. I found that one social science department, established in 1947, has given PhD degree to none till date. One teacher informed me that one of his colleagues serves elsewhere as a full-time teacher. Such allegations are common. Some departments nowadays offer first class degrees to even 50 students apparently to appease them whereas such results were unthinkable earlier. University vice chancellors are often blamed for degradation of quality of education and some of them have to leave their position following protest demonstration. However, teachers in general are not accountable for their performance. There is a provision called 'moral turpitude' for their termination but the term is so vague that it cannot be applied for not taking classes or not conducting research activities. I think, the people have the right to know how taxpayers' money is spent, be it in education or healthcare sector.
Md. Shamsul Islam
Mirpur, Dhaka