
Letters to the Editor

Embracing a learning mindset

Thursday, 13 June 2024

Research conducted by the McKinsey Global Institute suggests that by 2030, automation may lead to the displacement of approximately 400 million to 800 million individuals worldwide from their jobs, with over 5 million Bangladeshis among them. What's intriguing is the evolving landscape of business models in response to this shift. Consider Uber, the world's largest taxi company, which operates without owning any cars, or Facebook, the largest media company globally, which generates no content of its own. Similarly, Alibaba functions without traditional warehouses, and Airbnb, a leading hotel service provider, lacks physical hotels or apartments.
This adaptation to the Fourth Industrial Revolution is a trend observed across many organisations worldwide. According to a 2020 report from the World Economic Forum, approximately 8.5 million jobs may be lost by 2025 due to industrial changes. However, this shift in business models is anticipated to create around 100 million new job opportunities, offering employment to 1.5 million additional individuals. The question arises: Are our youth prepared to seize these emerging opportunities?
The foremost requirement for readiness lies in cultivating a learning mindset. In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the notion that education ends upon completion of college or university holds no weight. Continuous learning is indispensable for survival and success. Individuals must embrace the ethos of perpetual learning, constantly acquiring new knowledge and skills throughout their careers.
With the integration of AI tools to boost efficiency, students can leverage various AI platforms such as GradeScope, Nuance Dragon Speech Recognition, Ivy Chatbot, Cogni, Carnegie Learning Platform, and Century Tech. For language acquisition, Nauji proves beneficial, while Plato aids in refining writing skills. Querium serves as a valuable AI tool for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education. Additionally, accessing technical courses pertinent to the Fourth Industrial Revolution is easily achievable through platforms like Coursera, Udemy, Khan Academy, and Ten Minute School. Pursuing numerous courses beyond the confines of institutional curriculum is crucial through self-initiative.
Fostering a mindset inclined towards continuous learning becomes paramount. Embracing the ethos of lifelong learning ensures individuals remain adaptable and equipped with the requisite competencies to thrive amidst evolving professional landscapes.

Abid Azad, Student
North South University