
English terms in Bengali medium books

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Last year, my daughter was studying in Class Five at a Bengali medium school. One day when she was studying science, I took her book to look for English synonyms/terms. I did not find any. English terms/phrases were absent from other books of subjects like Mathematics, Bangladesh and World studies, Religion studies etc.
To help her, I wrote down some English terms in her science book. I feel that if she knows some English terms, it will be easy for her to look these up on the internet and learn through videos and texts available there about these terms.
Bengali medium schools are using books approved and published by National Curriculum and Textbook Board. As a guardian, I feel that students of the medium should learn English terms and phrases besides learning the Bengali terms.
If the students can learn these terms and phrases in English and Bengali, it will be easy for their studies during university level when the text and reference books will mostly be in English language.
By understanding acronyms like 'HCF', 'LCM' or name of shapes like 'quadrilateral', 'triangle' etc in mathematics, the English term 'photosynthesis' in biology, 'atom' and 'molecule' in physics and more, they can easily cope up with tertiary level education.
Such knowledge can help them in higher studies and professional life in any part of the world in the future.
Hosne Ara
Dhanmondi, Dhaka