
Letters to the Editor

Ensure fair recruitment in government jobs

Friday, 28 June 2024

Freedom fighters are undoubtedly the best and bravest children of this nation. No patriotic citizen disagrees with the special benefits their families deserve. However, the 30 per cent quota in government jobs for the wards of freedom fighters hinders the broader interests of the country. We know that freedom fighters sacrificed themselves for the common people of this country and fought against all forms of discrimination.
Article 29 (1) of the Constitution of Bangladesh states, "There shall be equality of opportunity for all citizens in the employment or promotion of public works." However, it calls for keeping quota system for children of backward communities.
Now, the question arises: are the grandchildren of freedom fighters truly disadvantaged? It is a national embarrassment to suggest that any freedom fighter's family in Bangladesh is still backward. If a freedom fighter has four or five children and three or four grandchildren, the total number of family members is 15-16. This means many people are benefiting from state facilities due to one person's status.
If grandchildren of freedom fighters need special privileges, it undermines the rights of those who are truly disadvantaged. Common students or citizens will not object to providing various allowances, medical care, accommodation, and other facilities to the families of freedom fighters. However, reintroducing 30 per cent freedom-fighter quota in the most critical positions of the republic deprives ordinary and talented students.
Zakia Sultana
MCJ, Dhaka University
[email protected]