
Letters to the Editor

Ensuring rehabilitation for flood-affected families

Wednesday, 28 August 2024

The lives of flood-affected families have come to a standstill. It is reported that these areas have never experienced such severe flooding before. With water splashing everywhere due to the relentless rain, life in the flood-affected areas has been severely disrupted.
Houses, poultry farms, and fish farms have been completely submerged, with many homes no longer visible. Thousands of families have been forced to leave their homes, seeking refuge with relatives or in safe shelters. Upon hearing the news of the flood, many voluntary organisations from various locations extended their hands to help with immediate relief and boats. However, if these affected families are not rehabilitated after the floods, they may struggle to recover from this loss.
Therefore, I urge the concerned authorities and affluent individuals to prepare a comprehensive list of the families affected by the flood and to ensure their proper rehabilitation.

Sakib Hasan
Cumilla University