
Letters to the Editor

Establish adequate daycare centres

Friday, 21 June 2024

Since 1991, Bangladesh's Directorate of Women Affairs, operating under the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs, has established daycare centres to empower low and middle-income working women. Ministry data reveal a total of 119 daycare centres are operational, funded both by government revenue and under various projects. However, these centres, offering a combined 2,830 seats across 43 facilities across the country, fall short of meeting the demand.
Recent statistics from the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) indicate a significant rise in the number of working women, underscoring the growing need for reliable childcare solutions. Existing centres have faced criticism over quality, environment, and services provided.
Women's employment is a vital avenue for their empowerment, making it imperative for families, society, and the state to ensure a healthy and conducive environment for their children. The effective enforcement of the 'Daycare Centre Rules-2022,' aimed at addressing irregularities and enhancing services, is crucial. This initiative not only supports working mothers but also contributes to the economic self-sufficiency of many families.Etablishment of daycare centres at workplaces nationwide corresponds to contemporary needs by way of supporting women's empowerment.

Nazneen Akhter
Gulshan, Dhaka