
Europe's water contaminated by PFAS chemical

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

PARIS, May 27 (AFP): Europe's rivers, lakes and groundwater are riddled with "alarming" levels of a persistent man-made 'forever chemical' linked to synthetic pesticides, a coalition of non-governmental organisations said on Monday.
The European Pesticide Action Network (PAN Europe) and its members analysed more than two dozen surface and groundwater samples from 10 European Union countries and found PFAS long-life substances in all.
They said the abundance of one chemical in particular, trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), represented "the largest known area-wide contamination by a man-made chemical" that well exceeded limits proposed by the 27-nation EU.
"The extent of the contamination is alarming and calls for decisive action," PAN Europe said in a new report detailing its findings.
Widely used in everyday items like cosmetics, non-stick pans and fire extinguishers, PFAS are highly durable products that can take centuries to break down.