
Expanding Franco-Bangladesh bilateral relations

Sunday, 15 July 2007

Khan Ferdousour Rahman
FRANCE was among the first to recognise the independence of Bangladesh after December 16, 1971 and appointed its ambassador in Dhaka in 1972. Bangladesh can proudly recall the direct support of the eminent French intellectual and former French Minister of Culture Mr. André Malraux during the war of liberation. The government of Bangladesh honoured him with a grand reception in 1973 on the free soil of Bangladesh.
Both countries have a long and successful bilateral relationship on most international issues, Iraq notably. France always emphasises the democratic governance of Bangladesh, its developmental progress and contribution to the UN peace keeping operations. Presently both French and Bangladeshi troops are working together in the UN peace-keeping missions in Congo and Ivory Coast. France also provides military cooperation focused on linguistic training to the members of the Bangladesh Armed Forces.
Cooperation of France to Bangladesh through humanitarian programmes at different times has brought the two nations closer. The visit by Ms. Mitterrand in 1988 in favour of a massive international aid after the devastating flood, followed by the official visit of the President Mitterrand in 1990 helped both the countries in boosting the cooperation. After the flood in 2004, France provided an aid of euro 100,000 to the local non-government organisations (NGOs) of Bangladesh for the reconstruction of 500 houses in the 'char' region of the Jamuna.
France has written off the national debt of Bangladesh amounting to 589 to MFF in 1991. Presently it contributes development aid through the European Commission with approximately 19% share of the total budget of the Commission. Trade between both the countries is marked by a strong surplus favouring Bangladesh by approximately 10% of total trade. France is one of the leading buyers of Bangladeshi products. Total export of Bangladesh to France was euro 620 million in 2004 (around 6.0% of total Bangladeshi exports), bulk of which was RMGs. France, on the other hand, exported cosmetics, perfumery, cereals, civil aviation, textile equipment and other machineries to Bangladesh amounting to euro 65 million in the same year. An investment incentive and protection agreement between both countries came into effect in 1986. French investment in Bangladesh is around $300 million -- Lafarge Surma Cement Factory at Chhatak in Sylhet, Total Elf Fina in Chittagong and Aventis Pharmaceuticals are the symbols of French investment in Bangladesh.
The cultural relationship of both the countries is very strong. The cultural cooperation between them is mainly channeled through the Alliance Francaises located at Dhanmondi (established in 1959) with an annex at Baridhara in Dhaka and another in Chittagong (established in 1965). Those centers work on developing the cultural ties between both the countries by sponsoring local and French cultural activities. France also runs an archaeological cooperation programme since 1993 at Mahastanghar of Bogra, an important site dating back to the fourth century BC until the 14th century. Both the countries also maintain university-level cooperation in the fields of science, administration and technology. There are around 300 Bangladeshi scholars educated and trained in France. French International School established in 1987 is located at the diplomatic enclave of Baridhara. The present base of the students is from 12 different nationalities and the school has already made a reputation for providing quality education.
Few French NGOs are very active, operating and contributing in various development sectors of Bangladesh. 'Friendship' -- a transformed hospital boat from river barge, which is sponsored by Unilever -- works in the field of health, education, development and culture. Partners Bangladesh opened the day/night shelter for the street children named 'Maer Achole' in Dhaka city in 2001. The objectives are rehabilitation, socialisation and reinsertion of street children, enabling them to contribute to the development of the country. Handicap International started its operation in Bangladesh in 1997 helping the integration of the disabled people in the society by upholding their rights through a better participation in the mainstream society. Since 2001, Aide Médicale et Développement and Kinésithérapeutes Du Monde are jointly leading a programme in Cox's Bazar District in partnership with a local NGO to remove the children suffering from important deformations of the lower limbs due to a severe form of rickets. The SOLINFO association is working in Bangladesh since 2004 aimed at promoting and teaching computing to the underprivileged people and providing equipments for schools, hospitals and local NGOs. The French Support Committee is continuously supporting 'Gonoshasthaya Kendra (GK)' since 1972 through funding for supply of drugs, vaccines, medical and surgical equipments, microcredit, multipurpose cyclone shelters, rehabilitation after cyclone in 1991 in Cox's Bazar region, support to primary schools etc.
Bilateral relations got momentum by several high level visits, contracts, and political and economic dialogues. The two countries are harmonised together by their commitment to international peace, security, cooperation and social justice, which is expected to be strengthened further in future.
(The writer is a freelancer and can be reached at e-mail: [email protected])