
Expectations from Mr. Mayor

Saadman Khan Nabil | Thursday, 28 May 2015

A mayor is regarded as the first citizen of the city. There are numerous debates on the authorisation of a mayor, but it is important for us to remember that a mayor is the person directly elected by the city dwellers. We are not in New York or London or Berlin where the task of a mayor seems quite uncomplicated. We are living in the city of Dhaka which has been added to the list of worst livable cities around the globe a week back. Now what can our mayors offer to us? It is a daunting task indeed.
The most serious problem of Dhaka is undoubtedly the poor traffic management system. Dhaka has been filled with vehicles over its capacity and most of them are privately owned vehicles. What do the general mass expect from the mayor on this? There has to be a positive move. Initiatives to come up with some brilliant ideas within our competence are expected. We can call for a competition for inventing ground breaking ideas on how to manage the traffic system of Dhaka. Prior communication and announcement to submit ideas and a thorough discussion on it with the cityscape engineers and traffic police can be done and the person with the widely acceptable feasible ideas can be rewarded. In this way we can generate positive energy within the people, get gleaming ideas and Mr. Mayor can reach closer to the inhabitants.
What about the pedestrian crossing? Isn't it inhuman to climb up the stairs so high, bypass the beggars, hawkers or even drug addicts and cross the road? Most of the foot over bridges in Dhaka are captured by beggars, hawkers and drug addicts and it seems there are no way out from it. Mr. Mayor can run a campaign to wipe them out of the bridges, rehabilitate them somewhere. Gradually he can introduce alternatives like adding high speed breakers before intersections and proper zebra crossings so that people especially children, women or old citizens can cross the road easily and safely.
The conditions of our public transports are the worst. Still we have not introduced any system by which the physically handicapped people can climb on the buses, local trains and go for their journey. Mr. Mayor can come forward in this particular case and ensure stern punishment for the bus owners to facilitate and allocate special seats for them.
This city is perhaps in the ICU. The sources of public entertainment are being squeezed. The left over sources have become the asylum for the hijackers, eve teasers and drug addicts. What can Mr. Mayor do for us? He can certainly take the scheme to recapture these public entertainment sources like parks, playing grounds, lakes and canals and let the people enjoy the fresh air.
Strollers are available in every corner of the city. They struggle each and every day to survive in this city. Most of them live in an excruciating condition under the open sky. Their struggle remains the same no matter how hot the temperature is or how heavily it rains. Area wise mass accommodation facility can be introduced only for them. To get the accommodation they will have to engage themselves in work and jobs can be created for them as guards, road cleaners, mess waiters and others. Stray animals also need such facilities. Voices on the rights for the stray animals are increasing and it is a good sign. We must be compassionate towards each other especially towards the animals so that we can share this city serenely.
Mayor's Office can call for citizens of particular areas over the week and note their problems which are associated with the responsibilities of the city corporation. Even if the problem is beyond the duty of them, Mr. Mayor can listen to the inhabitants and at least stand by them as a gesture of benevolence. This will directly add value to him and the local government.
The people of this city and also the people of this country demand very less. If the basic facilities and the rights and recognition as citizens are offered to them, they are more than happy. Hence our expectations from the newly elected mayors are not sky high. Residents are ready to assist the Mayor's Office at any situation but the mayors themselves must be willing to help and they should not forget to serve the mass.
The writer is an MBA Student (Marketing), University of Dhaka, email:[email protected]