
Experts for boosting Aus yield to reduce pressure on Boro

Monday, 9 April 2018

RANGPUR, Apr 08 (BSS): Experts at a workshop have put importance on enhancing cultivation of short duration Aus rice to gradually replace cultivation of more irrigation water consuming Boro rice for ensuring food security.
They made the opinion at the workshop styled 'Enhancing Aus Rice Cultivation in Rangpur-Dinajpur Regions' held at the auditorium of the Department of Agricultural Marketing in the city on Saturday, a press release said today.
Rangpur Regional Station of Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) organised the workshop presided over by Director General of BRRI Dr Md Shahjahan Kabir.
A total of 150 participants including Deputy Directors and Upazila Agriculture Officers of the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE), officials and scientists of BRRI, Agriculture Information Service, research organisations and NGOs and farmers from all over Rangpur division took part.
Additional Secretary (Research Wing) to the Ministry of Agriculture Md Fazle Wahed Khondker attended the workshop as the chief guest.
Director (Field Service Wing) of the DAE Md Abdul Hannan and Director (Admin and General Service) of BRRI Dr Ansar Ali addressed the event as special guests.
Principal Scientific Officer (PSO) of Rangpur Regional Station of BRRI Dr Md Abu Bakar Siddique Sarker delivered keynote presentation narrating importance of enhancing less irrigation water consuming Aus rice cultivation in Rangpur-Dinajpur regions.
Farmer Abdullah Al Mamun of Pirganj upazila in Rangpur narrated his Aus rice farming experience and said, "Cultivation of Aus rice using rain water is easier and more profitable."