
Exploring the ways of learning

S. M. Rayhanul Islam | Friday, 14 August 2015

The ability to learn is the most marked trait in human beings. Learning takes place throughout our life, in different ways and in different contexts, beginning when we are in the mothers' wombs. Evidence shows that at least the beginning of 'language acquisition' takes place there.
In fact, it is almost impossible to prevent people from learning in some form or another all the time. The module titled Learning Processes explores different theories of learning, and how they have influenced different philosophies related to education. It identifies the ways in which people learn and the factors which inhibit or facilitate learning. The module also looks at experiential learning as the method most appropriate for an educator; as well as appropriate strategies for face-to-face work with the learners and training situations with the adults.
The module is divided into seven units. The first unit sets out a basic model of understanding about how we learn. This unit offers us the opportunity to analyse what learning is. It also introduces us to the main theories of learning and how learning takes place. We often think of learning as intentional and deliberate, but most learning occurs informally at the subconscious level and it may be unintentional. The research carried out by noted linguist Noam Chomsky has given us some insight into the ways people acquire language, mathematics, science and social skills - at a level that we may not be conscious of. It suggests that we all have much more capacity to learn than we use.
The Unit-2 focuses on the philosophical and psychological aspects of learning. It also discusses the role of the teacher in adult education and the environmental factors that affect the learning process. One of the aspects of positive philosophy of learning is to develop the whole person. Therefore, the main aim of education should be to contribute to a person's development in all the three areas or domains mentioned by Benjamin Bloom: psychomotor, cognitive, and affective. Thus there is need for a diversity of teaching-learning approaches within any given learning situation. In contemporary philosophy, the general position is: Educators are also becoming aware of the other side of the coin - that the learner's powers are vastly enhanced when not only his intellect is stimulated but also when his feelings are respected, his body is nurtured, and his will to learn is strengthened (Philosophies of the Branches of Knowledge, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. 1996).
The Unit-3 discusses different types of learning and education, in particular informal learning. Learning is not just restricted to what happens at school. In fact, a great deal of learning takes place outside formal educational institutions. The agents of informal education can be family, school, religious organisations, community organisations, peer groups, the mass media, cultural institutions, and the workplace. The fourth Unit deals with the factors that help and hinder learning. It also focuses on the characteristics of an environment that is conducive to learning.
The Unit-5 helps us understand how adults learn, and the factors which have to be considered when dealing with adult learners.  By the time we reach adulthood, we have developed into individuals with different sets of experiences and attitudes to learning. This unit also explores the characteristics of adult learners and how an educator can best facilitate learning opportunities for them through a strategy called self-directed learning.  
 The Unit-6 presents a concept of learning that focuses on the different ways in which different people prefer to learn. Humans are complex creatures. Our biological hardware is more or less the same, but we are physically, psychologically, neurologically and culturally different from each other. Therefore people differ in the way they think, process information and solve problems. Should we always facilitate people in these exercises or teach different learners in the same manner?  The importance of using a wide variety of training styles to suit different learners and the socio-cultural factors that affect learning style are discussed nicely in this unit. The final Unit-7 deals with the topic Facilitating Adult Learners. It explores the methods and resources appropriate to adult learning and also which will make an adult learning programme more effective. The unit also discusses what kind of evaluation to be used in adult education and what criteria are to be kept in view when designing the programme.  
 In the last section of the module, there are five Appendices: 1. The automatic system in the mind, 2. Scaffolding and the zone of proximal development, 3. The nature of knowledge, 4. Learning styles, and 5. Learning strategies. These texts will help the readers in expanding their understanding of different ways of learning. The module 'Learning Processes' has been in use as Study Guide for the Commonwealth Youth Diploma in development work programmes offered by many universities across the world. It is highly useful for educators, trainers, learners, development professionals and researchers.
The writer is an
independent researcher.
[email protected]


Learning Processes
(Commonwealth Youth Programme)
Published by Commonwealth
Secretariat, London, UK