
Extroverts preferred, introverts need encouragement

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Personality types of humans are commonly divided into two such as extrovert and introvert.
A term first introduced by psychologist Carl Jung, extroversion is a personality trait where a person directs their energy outwards by seeking stimulus from either being social and outgoing, taking risk taking activities and generally seeking excitement from the outside environment. These traits are contrary to being an introvert. We live in a culture of personality. The modern world prefers extrovert characteristics which is usually perceived as being well adjusted and often socially intelligent. Does it mean the people with introversion characteristics are worthless or good for nothing? When character types are natural and innate, both types have some potentials. The potentialities of extroverts are easily exposed. On the other hand, introverts have hidden potentials which bloom in suitable environment.
An extrovert comes with a lot more emotionally rich experiences leading to possibly a more varied lifestyle than introverts. They usually keep their eyes open to meet new people and networking opportunities. They prefer being around the company of other people and being included in novelty or risk taking situations. Extroverts are very outgoing and are usually motivated to attend social gatherings and mingle with new people exposing themselves to a variety of social interactions. And for this reason, they easily become familiar figures in the society.  Extroverts get involved in social gatherings and learn social skills at a faster rate than an introvert does. Their constant craving for social interactions and reactiveness in this regard means that they can make friends easily. They don't shy away from the spotlight. They can handle social pressure quite well while some may even welcome it. This comes with their love of being the focus of attention. Their lust for excitement can translate into their lifestyle or hobbies they choose. When people choose the risk taking career willingly, it shows their personality types. Here examples of professions like sea diver, fire-fighter, and mountaineering can be set as examples.  
Extroverts are always socially active in person. This makes them get in contact with new people and have many new experiences in life. They are able to develop an understanding of other people and be sensitive to other people's needs by virtue of this quality. Extroverts are often admired for their capabilities to charm people with their cheerful talks. Because of their outgoing nature, extroverts are likely to move ahead in their professional lives much faster than someone who is shy and reserved. This is because they are able to impress people easily with their confidence. Extroverts also make good contacts in a shorter time that help them to achieve their goals faster. This is why today's organizations prefer them. They express their feeling easily as compared to introverts and can let their heart out with anybody which removes all the tension and makes them feel light.  This helps them to have good friends around them but sometimes this also results in making a few haters.  Talking a lot and expressing feelings easily can be beneficial for the health of extroverts. These two traits help to keep the mind and soul relaxed. The stress and tension is reduced, which in turn reduces the adverse effects on the body. People who keep things to themselves and do not talk or laugh much tend to fall more ill as compared to people who are very talkative and happy. They have another important characteristic that is they do not get easily bored. They have something or the other to share every time. Therefore, they also keep everybody around them entertained. Extroverts resemble energy as they are always on the move. But the disadvantage here is that sometimes extroverts can be treated as mere jokers which sometimes lead people to believe that they don't take things seriously.
According to Carl Jung's analytical psychology every person has both the traits of extroversion and introversion, the difference being that one of these personality traits may be more dominant in individuals. All the same people do not always behave according to their behaviour type all the time. Extroverts are social beings always on the lookout for excitement. They are outgoing and do not hesitate to assert their needs. They are predominantly occupied with activities 'outside the self' and crave for human interactions. They love to take initiative and plunge into action. They often adapt to new environments without any problem which is definitely a positive aspect of their character.
Research studies claim that extrovert people enjoy a greater level of happiness as compared to the other personality types. Extroverts readily experience positive emotions and enjoy a higher level of self-esteem. They love crowds and are comfortable being the focus of attention. They get their energy from their surroundings and interaction with other people. They are receptive to their environment and readily take part in community events, public demonstrations and social gatherings. Extroverts love to spend time with others and hence would flourish in careers that are oriented towards people such as team work, leadership roles, and sales among others. So, today's society, organizations and institutions prefer the people having the extrovert type characters. That does not necessarily mean that introverts lag behind and they are less performers. They have the patience to dedicate to something for long which equals to perseverance. They belong to the people who have become successful in the field of research, innovation, writings and other creative fields. So, the institutions and organizations can extract huge benefit if they can utilize their powers, energies and hidden potentialities. And the introverts should also try to adjust themselves with the changing parameters of the present society to get exposed at least a little bit as they cannot do the same as extroverts do. This is because of their innate nature. The greater responsibility lies with the teachers to help the latent talents of the introverts and create such kind of environment in the classroom where they feel secure to expose themselves. It is unfortunate that some teachers discourage or ignore the introvert type learners in the classroom. Classroom is the place where learners can gather courage and be confident to expose their talents which will help them in later stages of life.

The writer works as an specialist in BRAC Education Program. Email: [email protected]