
Letters to the Editor

Face masks, please!

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

It is unfortunate that most of us seem to have forgotten wearing our face masks since the casualties from coronavirus have started dropping. When the entire world is preparing for the second wave of the virus, we hardly find 'conscious' people in public places either wearing masks at all or those who wear do not do so properly. Many of us keep the masks in our pockets, some wear them below their nose while others keep them hanging from their ears. As if it is a fashion and its demonstration alone, like the herbs or broom stick local magic healers use against 'evil spirit' or 'ghosts' in their parlance, is enough to drive away the virus. But those who believe in science, unlike US President Trump, should not be lax.
I appreciate the government for its decision to implement a 'No Mask, No Service' policy at all offices to curb further spread of Covid-19. But, it will bring no good if no one bothers about wearing masks.
I urge people of all walks of life to follow this basic health guideline before the second wave of coronavirus hits Bangladesh hard. It can invite the disease for non-wearers and be really selfish not to protect others from possible asymptomatic spread of Covid-19.
I can understand that wearing a mask is sometimes uncomfortable. But, we have to remember that we do that not only to protect ourselves but also to protect our loved ones.
MH Suvo
MBBS student