
Family commit mass suicide in Mymensingh

Thursday, 12 July 2007

MYMENSINGH, July 11 (UNB): All the nine members of a family committed suicide at a time jumping under a train in a macabre tragedy in Kashor Itkhola area of the district town Wednesday afternoon.
Police said the members of the family of late Anwar Fakir, who had converted to Christianity, jumped under the wheels of the Mymensingh-bound local train 'GM Express' at about 3.0 pm.
Local sources said, the elderly family members tied up the younger ones with their clothes and then, altogether, jumped under the train rumbling in from Jamalpur.
"In no time, all the nine were cut into pieces that lay scattered on the spot," says a spot account of the heartrending scene.
The deceased are Hena Anwar Adam, 60, wife of the late Anwar Fakir, Hena's sons Arif Anwar Adam, 22, and Rahat Anwar Adam, 20, and daughter Akhtari Anwar Adam, 30, Moon Anwar Adam, 28, Morsheda Anwar
Adam, 27, Shabnam Anwar Adam, 10, Mou Anwar Adam, 10, and Molla Anwar Adam, 8.
Local people described it as a "preplanned" case of collective suicide as a grave was dug in the courtyard of their house and a coffin was also kept there.
Police cordoned off the one-storey house, situated within 10 yards of the railway.
The family had virtually confined themselves to their house and led an isolated life after their conversion.
"Hundreds of curious onlookers gathered around the weird scene as the body parts of the deceased lay scattered, nearly three kilometres along the rail line," said the firsthand report.
The sources said the late Fakir had first changed his religion and then persuaded his extended family to follow him. But what actually made the elders choose the path of putting an end to the entire family was not known immediately.
The Deputy Commissioner and the Police Superintendent visited the scene.