
FDI up 16.7pc in July-Nov

Asjadul Kibria | Thursday, 10 December 2015

Inflow of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Bangladesh increased by 16.7 per cent during the first four months of the current fiscal year (2015-2016).
Statistics released by Bangladesh Bank (BB) on Thursday revealed that net inflow of FDI stood at $550 million in July-October period of FY16. The amount was $471 million in the same period of FY15.
HSBC in its latest Trade Forecast Report on Bangladesh, released on Wednesday, said that public investment into transport and energy infrastructure has risen notably in recent years and this should help attract more FDI.
“There are a number of large projects under way, particularly in transport and energy infrastructure,” said the report. “The completion of these projects would make it easier to transport exports and a steady improvement in energy generation will benefit export-oriented manufacturing and help attract FDI.”
HSBC pointed out that the impetus towards reform is promising. “Inward FDI was less than 1 per cent of GDP in 2014, compared to 2 per cent in India but the potential to attract more FDI inflows is large and the progress made in recent years towards greater macroeconomic stability and better infrastructure is encouraging,” the report said.
Net inflow of FDI in FY15 was $1833.87 million, according to revised estimation of the central bank. Earlier, Bangladesh Bank’s provisional estimation put the figure at $1700 million
The FDI in last fiscal year was 23 per cent higher than the FDI amount of FY14 when the amount of net FDI inflow recorded at $1480.34 million. – Kibria

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