
Fish mobile court seizes net worth Taka 5.5 lakh

Saturday, 28 July 2007

RAJSHAHI, July 27 (BSS): The Department of Fisheries through conducting a mobile court today seized unauthorised nets worth Tk 0.55 million (5.5 lakh) from different points of the river Padma here.
On the 12th day of the countrywide Fish Conser-vation and Extension Campaign Fortnight-2007, Paba Upazila Nirbahi Officer Humayun Kabir along with District Fisheries Officer ASM Motaharul Haque conducted the mobile court at Bulanour, Boshori, Harupur, Noboganga, Sonaikandi and Berpara points.
During the drive, the mobile court also seized eight kgs of fish eggs, fries and fingerlings in addition to 93 current nets of 5000 metres and another 60 mesh nets.
Later, the seized nets were burnt at Borokuthi ghat in presence of a large number of people while the eggs were released into the river.
The officials urged the people present there to abstain from catching the fish eggs and the underweight fish to help uninterrupted production as well as growth of various fish species.