
Five Korean volunteers arrive to contribute to socio-economic dev

Thursday, 25 October 2007

FE Report
Five new Korean overseas volunteers (KOVs) under the sponsorship of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) arrived in the capital Monday to render voluntary services for two years at various government organisations.
Resident Representative of KOICA, Bangladesh Kim Chang Sup and other KOICA officials received the new volunteers at the Zia International Airport.
Later, they were taken to the Korean embassy and accorded a warm welcome by Korean Ambassador to Dhaka Park Suk Bum, said a press release.
The Korean ambassador encouraged the young volunteers to perform their voluntary services with devotion and do their best to contribute to the socio-economic development of Bangladesh so that the friendship and cultural ties of the two countries could be further strengthened through their continuous efforts.
He also expressed the hope that the newly arrived young volunteers would be able to cope with the living condition in Bangladesh, which is quite different from Korea.
The new volunteers will be given a two-month local adaptation training, including learning of Bengali language and culture, prior to sending them to their respective working sites.
Of the five volunteers, one will work as nutritionist at the Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), one as a librarian at the Korean Language Centre of IML, the University of Dhaka, one as nurse at the Bangladesh-Korea Friendship Hospital at Savar and two as computer instructors at the department of youth development (DYD) in Rajbari Technical Training Center (TTC), Khulna under the Bureau of Manpower, Employment respectively.
With the arrival of these five volunteers, the total number of KOICA's volunteers in Bangladesh at present stands at 60 in various fields such as architecture, automobile, pathology, nursing, computer, livestock, irrigation, etc.