
Form price commission for agro products

Speakers tell seminar

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Speakers at a seminar have urged the government to form a price commission for agro products and pass an act on food and nutrition right in order to ensure food security in Bangladesh and make the agriculture sector profitable, reports UNB.
They observed that agriculture is the mainstay of Bangladesh's economy, but the farmers do not get fair prices of their produce.
They claimed that budgetary subsidy outlay stipulated for farm sector is not adequate and that a large volume of farm products get wasted in absence of proper marketing value chain and transportation facilities.
They said that if a price commission can be formed, farmers will get fair price of their produce. On the other hand, the proposed Right to Food Act will ensure people's right to get balanced food.
Right to Food Bangladesh, an NGO, arranged the seminar at CIRDAP Auditorium on 'Agriculture and Right to Food' with the support of the Christian Aid on Tuesday.
Mohsin Ali, general secretary of the organisation, presented the keynote paper on 'Self-dependency in Agriculture and Right to Food'.
He said that at least 14 per cent of total agricultural productions get wasted every year due to mismanagement of supply and marketing chain.
One in every four people who are living below poverty line does not have the security of getting balanced foods, he said.
Speaking as the chief guest, Md Abdur Razzak, chairman, Parliament Standing Committee on the Ministry of Finance, said rural economy has to be promoted through empowering farmers.
He said the government is working to reduce the interest rate on farm credits and promote technologies, which will contribute to the development of agriculture.