
From the finite to the infinity

Nilratan Halder | Saturday, 31 May 2014

Thirteen years of age is considered raw and tender by any standard but for a handful of specially gifted persons this is enough to gain immortality. Two teenagers of this age have created history by becoming the world's youngest ever female and male climbers of the Everest, the highest mountain peak in the world. On Sunday this extraordinary feat was achieved by Malavath Purna of Andhra Pradesh, India. The same credit for her opposite gender goes to an American boy, also a 13-year old, who accomplished the feat on May 24, 2010, exactly four years and a day before her. A nine-year Nepalese boy was training to make the record his own.
Ascent to the world's highest peak takes the toughest test to grown-up people's physical endurance and mental resolve. Is a 13-year or 9-year old boy or girl expected to attain the physical strength and steely nerves required for the most demanding expedition? The answer is a big 'No'. Then what mystery lies behind their success? Training maybe! But that does not quite explain the matter. Even veteran climbers with impressive records behind them perish in the avalanche and the head count each year is high enough to discourage some of the most formidable among such climbing enthusiasts.
Then what really motivates such youngsters is not easy to fathom. But about one thing there is no doubt that these young climbers cherish a dream in the core of their bosoms and risk their dear lives knowing full well about the dangers lying ahead on their mission. It is because of such a dream a Purna from Andhra Pradesh, a Jordan Romero from California, the United States of America and a Dutch girl, Laura Dekker of 16 years old can undertake real life adventures few in their right senses would ever imagine in their wildest dreams. Laura Dekker holds the record of solo sailing to circumnavigate the world at the youngest age.
Child geniuses are called prodigies. Can these teenage expeditors be also called prodigies? Prodigies they surely are but only of a special kind. They dare dream of accomplishing feats which to the average ordinary mortals looks absolutely impossible. But here are some gifted children whose mission is to explore the limit of their physical and mental strength. Something from within tell them to aim higher for themselves and they respond to the call -the call from infinity. They go from the finite to the infinity.  No wonder, they are amply rewarded for their dare-devilry.
Thanks are due to their parents, teachers and mentors who believe in them, respect their passion and come forward to support their adventures. Maybe, those around them and millions other secretly nurture dreams like theirs but cannot fulfil those because of lack of courage and confidence in their own ability. Man becomes truly man if one transcends beyond one's physical limitation. Some do it early and others do it throughout their life-long journey. In fact, whatever people do should be done for the love of it. It is this unbounded love that is behind the known world. There is need for enjoying the task one does. That is at the root of coming out successful.
Sadly, today's children have lost their world of fun and mirth. They are unnecessarily burdened with the baggage of their parents. And they have to study in a world without love. They are coerced at home, at school and are not allowed to develop their own approach to life. They are made dependent and to forget that the development of their individuality was key to finding their rightful place in this world. So the feats accomplished by the young adventurers are doubly significant. Their adventures are likely to inspire millions around the world to take adventures. There these brave ones stand apart from the rest of their generation.