
Gaddafi a special creature: Hillary

From Fazle Rashid | Saturday, 19 March 2011

From Fazle Rashid
NEW YORK, Mar 18: India and Brazil, alongwith Germany, China and Brazil, abstained from voting on the resolution, adopted by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) yesterday, authorising military action, including air strikes against Libyan tanks, and heavy artillery and enforcing a no-fly zone to thwart the bloody on march of forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi. The resolution was supported by ten other members of the UN Security Council. The US president Obama conferred with his National Security team after the vote to weigh the possible options. Obama had telephonic conversations with British Prime Mnister David Cameron and French President Nicolas Sarkozy. The United States, Britain and France are demanding the participation of the forces from Arab League members in the joint assault against Gaddafi forces. The US secretary of state Hillary Clinton described Gaddafi as a "special creature," lacking all moral values and added international community had little options other than hitting Gaddafi hard. The resolution will test the ability of the UN whether it can act according to the resolution, said an analyst. Germany which abstained from voting is against military action but supports tougher sanctions. Elsewhere in the Middle-East, political turbulence continues to persist. Saudi King Abdullah will address the nation today to announce a number of concessions. The kingdom has not experienced political unrest that has spread in the Arab world but there are pockets of unrest.