
GoB, UN country team hold JSC meeting

Country results report launched

Monday, 20 May 2024

The government of Bangladesh and the United Nations Country Team today held a Joint Steering Committee (JSC) meeting and launched the 2023 UN Country Results Report.
The meeting also discussed 2024 priorities for implementing the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (Cooperation Framework), reports BSS.
The biannual meeting was co-chaired by Md. Shahriar Kader Siddiky, Secretary of the Economic Relations Division (ERD), Ministry of Finance, and Gwyn Lewis, UN Resident Coordinator in Bangladesh with the participation of (27) line ministries and (16) UN agencies.
The Cooperation Framework covers the period 2022-2026 and outlines United Nations support to Bangladesh for advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and achieve the objectives of the 8th Five-Year Plan across five strategic priorities are Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Development,
Equitable Human Development and Well Being, Sustainable, Healthy and Resilient Environment,
Transformative, Participatory and Inclusive Governance and Gender Equality and Eliminating Gender-Based Violence.
The 2023 Results Report shows how the United Nations delivered $219 million in development programming under the Cooperation Framework in 2023.
Highlights included 28 million people reached with digital financial services, 250,000 marginalized children reached with remedial education, 268,491 cases resolved through UN-supported village courts, support to 267,600 survivors of gender-based violence, and 3.5 million people assisted to build urban resilience, said a press release.
The UN also worked to support preparations for Bangladesh's graduation from Least Developed Country (LDC) status, and to support job creation and labour sector reforms, health and education, climate adaptation and disaster risk management, with gender equality as a key cross-cutting issue.
The UN commended the government for its leadership role in global UN initiatives such as Early Warning for All, Transforming Education and the Food Systems Summit, which all progressed in 2023.
Looking ahead to 2024 and beyond, the JSC reviewed the opportunities presented by the Summit of the Future and six key transitions to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), highlighting the importance of integrated policy, financing and programming at scale, with a focus on Leaving No One Behind.
UN agencies presented policy and programming priorities for the United Nations in 2024 across the five strategic priorities, with a special focus on climate and environment.
"The UN's priorities are fully aligned with the Government's vision, including the essential work needed to prepare for LDC graduation and adapt to climate change. Our focus in 2024 is on consolidating joint efforts to deliver programmes at scale and strengthen multi stakeholder partnerships that can help the government to unlock vital financing for the SDGs, including for climate action," added Lewis.
She said the UN renews its commitment to work with Bangladesh towards a prosperous, climate-resilient future for all Bangladeshis, with gender equality, human rights and leave no one behind principles integrated across all its efforts.
"We express our gratitude to the United Nations for providing today's comprehensive review of the accomplishments in 2023 and engaging in a productive dialogue regarding development priorities for the upcoming year," said ERD Secretary.