
Govt mulls import of plastic scraps

BPGMEA opposes the move

REZAUL KARIM | Saturday, 2 January 2021

The government is eager to allow the import of environment-friendly plastic scrap items which do not put any adverse impacts on the domestic industry and the environment.
However, the Bangladesh Plastic Goods Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BPGMEA), an advocacy group of over 2,100 plastic makers, earlier urged the government not to allow such imports.
When asked, Bangladesh Trade and Tariff Commission (BTTC) member (TPD) Sha Md Abu Raihan Alberuni said, "We're working to allow import of eco-friendly mixed plastic scrap items conditionally…"
"Currently, we're collecting information on the local demand for plastic scrap, local supply and use, production method, domestic use of plastic items and export potential."
"We're also taking into consideration any negative impacts on local industry and the environment, recycling standard and the existing policy," Mr Alberuni told the FE.
The overall demand for raw materials cannot be met by local supply. So, the government will consider import of eco-friendly plastic scraps, he argued.
The import of any type of plastic waste or scrap is totally prohibited in Bangladesh according to the import policy (2015-2018).
To this end, the BTTC is preparing a detailed report for commerce ministry to take the next course of action, a ministry official said.
Earlier in a letter, BPGMEA president Md Jashim Uddin said multiple companies have sought permission from commerce ministry for importing scrap plastic items.
The use of such waste plastic items through recycling will damage the environment, he mentioned.
Even no standard and quality of these scraps is maintained, according to Mr Uddin's letter.
If the government allows import, a source said, local plastic goods producers will lose their international market and competitive edge as well.
Besides, the demand for the local scrap items will reduce only to damage the environment and discourage the domestic entrepreneurs, added the letter.
An entrepreneur said the local plastic sector not only helps the apparel sector, but also aids direct shipment of different types of plastic goods and toys in the global market.
Seeking anonymity, a commerce ministry high official said they are working on the matter. "We're yet to make any decision to this effect."
When contacted, a BPGMEA entrepreneur said, "We're frequently requesting the ministry concerned not to permit the import any types of plastic waste or scrap items, including hanger."
The local plastic market is growing fast. Its size is an estimated Tk 300 billion, according to the BPGMEA.
The country has more than 5,500 small, medium and large plastic goods manufacturing units. The figure was around 3,500 a couple of years back.
Currently, the volume of direct and deemed exports of plastic items is approximately $1.0 billion in a fiscal year.
Exports of products like plastic toys, polypropylene bags, plastic hangers and fax fibre bags are increasing annually, industry insiders said.

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