Letters to the Editor
Higher education that creates entrepreneurs
Thursday, 26 May 2022
There was a time when teachers would teach the way they had learnt, with little regard to the needs of the student. Many universities across the world have moved away from this concept. They are now offering students the courses they require to cope up with the evolving job market needs. Our universities, on the contrary, do not seem to have evolved much. They are teaching in a way that motivates their students to become employees rather than employers. We have a large population in Bangladesh and a few business entities. And this is why, we need more employers not employees.
If our universities include courses like agriculture, digital marketing, SMEs logistical support, forward and backward linkages, introduction to bio and nanotechnology, CRISPR, herbal medicine, and bandwidth technology, among others, they can produce a number of entrepreneurs in the future. Most of these sectors are unexplored as we do not have the required entrepreneurship. But if universities introduce these courses, there will be more entrepreneurs. And they will also create employment. The aforementioned sectors can take our youths a step forward. And they will be able to cope up with the fast-changing world.
Rafid Alam,
Bengal Institute, Dhaka,
[email protected]