
Letters to the Editor

Home-bound procession of expatriates

Monday, 24 August 2020

More than 40,000 Bangladeshi migrant workers returned home since April, the first full month of corona-induced shutdown in Bangladesh. Probably, more expatriate workers would have come back by this time, had there been no flight restrictions. Many of them are living an uncertain life abroad due to crises of cash, food and job loss. It's hardly likely that the countries where most Bangladeshis work, would hire more foreign workers soon or increase investment in labour-intensive projects.
However, some other countries will increase spending for boosting their economies that would create opportunities for foreign workers. Bangladesh would need to explore opportunities in those countries that may include Germany and Italy. Also at home, the government would need to boost the rural economy to absorb the labour force. A reverse migration from the cities especially Dhaka and from abroad would create more pressure on rural Bangladesh.
SM Badar
Shyamoli, Dhaka
[email protected]