
Letters to the Editor

How homeopathic colleges compromise qualities

Friday, 14 June 2024

Since 1790, homeopathic treatment, pioneered by the German scientist Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, has grown in popularity. With increasing awareness of the side effects of antibiotics, interest in homeopathy has surged, bolstered by confidence in this treatment system. Recognising this, the government of Bangladesh published the Bangladesh Homeopathic Medical Education Act, 2023, which officially bestows the title of "doctor" upon homeopathic practitioners. This was a commendable act by the Bangladesh government.
Following the publication of the Gazette, the Bangladesh Homeopathic Medical Education Council was established. However, it is concerning to see the proliferation of unapproved colleges. Fraudulent activities in the recruitment of teachers are rampant. For example, a few days ago, I discovered that a fourth-year student I know had been introduced as a lecturer at an unregistered homeopathic college. To my surprise, his name was indeed listed on the college's faculty chart. He had been appointed to the college, adopted the title of "lecturer," and opened a practice to provide homeopathic treatment. Such actions by a few individuals are undermining the quality of homeopathy.
The authorities have the capability to monitor these issues, but, regrettably, there appears to be a lack of concern. The unchecked spread of unregistered colleges and the fraudulent recruitment trade are significant problems.
In Bangladesh, homeopathic colleges are springing up everywhere, and fake recruitments are degrading the quality of homeopathic treatment and education, casting doubt on the efficacy of the Bangladesh Homeopathic Medical Education Council. It is crucial for the Council to take decisive action to halt the proliferation of unauthorised colleges and the recruitment trade. The question now is how effectively the Council will address these challenges.

Dr. Sheikh Shakil
D.H.M.S (Homeopathic),
[email protected]