
Improving English language proficiency of rural students

M A Islam | Sunday, 25 May 2008

NOW-A-DAYS learning of English language helps one manage good employment. Unfortunately, students in rural areas in Bangladesh are lagging behind in their proficiency of the international language. It is time we acted upon on this because on this depends the fate of the majority of today's students.

Within 37 years of independence of Bangladesh, several development projects have been taken up by the government with the help of the donor agencies, but those probably are yet to create much impact on the condition of English language proficiency in rural areas.

The students of the rural areas have very limited access to learning materials. Those 'grammar' books and text books are not really enough to make them interested in learning this foreign language. Other reference books and materials need to be made available to the rural students so that they become really interested in learning this language.

In order to learn accurate accent of any language, one has to learn pronunciation by the age of 10-12. It is unfortunate that our kids living in rural areas do not have access to such environment where they could learn proper accent of the words of the language. If they could be offered such environment, as there it is in India, these young students of the rural areas could, in course of time, manage good jobs, both in home and abroad. We can set up English language clubs, can make various types of English books available to them. Also, we can make various types of English books available to them. Also, we can inspire them to read English newspapers -teachers may make reading of English newspapers mandatory for them and also for more senior students. But one cautionary statement: "We cannot rely on English newspapers for learning English language" as said by late editor of the New Age Enayetullah Khan in a seminar in British Council in Dhaka, but English newspapers can surely grow interest in students to learn the language.

Also, we need to appoint good English teachers in rural areas. Good teachers should be given enough incentive so that they are motivated to go to the villages and teach there.

Social movement is required so that students in rural areas become more aware to learn English. If we have been able to succeed much in making people aware of sanitation, family planning and health, why not in the area of developing English language also? A massive awareness campaign is required so that people in rural areas feel the urge of learning the language. If you are good in English language, you survive easily.