
Improving railway services

Saturday, 20 October 2007

Mahmud Rashid
A recent newspaper report is symbolic, as if, of the degraded conditions of service rendered by the Bangladesh Railway (BR). But what things were pointed out in the report are typical conditions noted also in other parts of the country where the BR runs a service. Tracks have become unfit for lack of regular maintenance. The speeds of the trains have to be slowed down, therefore, to guard against accidents. But even with such caution, the probabilities of accidents are always there. One bad morning, countrymen may have to be only deeply shocked by a catastrophic train accident if the present utter negligence in repair and maintenance works is not reversed. Amenities that travelers of railways have to depend on such as clean toilets and seats, comfortable and hygienic rest rooms in the rail station, etc., are like dream things for the passengers of the BR as these requirements are hardly ever fulfilled.
Besides, steps are called for to stop travelling by railway train travel without proper payment for the tickets. The country is yet to get rid of this problem that robs BR of great amounts in revenues. No wonder that it is found always strapped for funds to spend on maintenance and developmental needs. The prevailing state of the BR calls for its complete reorganisation at the heart of which should be making its employees accountable to a corporate body with rewards for good works and harsh penalties for under-performance.