
Independent analyst firm reports on Oracle® Database 11g

Sunday, 26 August 2007

FE Report
Oracle, world's largest enterprise software company recently announced that it is offering complimentary copies of a Gartner report on Oracle's forthcoming database release titled "Oracle Database 11g Could See Early Adoption."
Written by Gartner Vice President and Distinguished Analyst Donald Feinberg, the note is available for review at: http://mediaproducts.gartner.com/reprints/oracle/150290.html.
"Oracle Database 11g offers customers the capabilities to take control of their enterprise information, gain better business insight, and quickly and confidently adapt to an increasingly changing business environment," said Willie Hardie, vice president of Database Product Marketing, Oracle. "Working hand-in-hand with our customers, we've incorporated new capabilities and enhanced features in this latest release to help minimize the risk of making changes, meet users service level expectations, address regulatory and compliance issues, and lower IT costs."
About Oracle Database 11g
Oracle Database is the only database designed for grid computing. With the release of Oracle Database 11g, Oracle is making the management of enterprise information easier than ever; enabling customers to know more about their business and innovate more quickly. Oracle Database 11g delivers superior performance, scalability, availability, security and ease of management on a low-cost grid of industry standard storage and servers. Oracle Database 11g is designed to be effectively deployed on everything from small blade servers to the biggest SMP servers and clusters of all sizes. It features automated management capabilities for easy, cost-effective operation. Oracle Database 11g's unique ability to manage all data from traditional business information to XML and 3D spatial information makes it the ideal choice to power transaction processing, data warehousing, and content management applications.