
Info commission warns three officials under RTI Act

Friday, 31 May 2024

The Information Commission Bangladesh on Thursday warned three government officials for not providing information requested under the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2009, reports BSS.
Director General (DG) of National Institute of Biotechnology and its officer in-charge was warned by the commission under the RTI Act for obstructing to provide information and harassing information seeker.
The Commission also ordered them to provide the information requested by the applicant within 10 working days.
In another complaint, the Information Commission Bangladesh warned the Assistant Commissioner of the Gopalganj District Administrator's office for not cooperating in providing the information requested by the applicant and not following the instructions of the commission.
Information Commissioner Shahidul Alam Jhinuk and Information Commissioner Masuda Bhatti gave this order after hearing from the concerned parties according to the Right to Information Act on Thursday, a press release said.