
Integrating autistic children into society

Thursday, 3 January 2019

A recent survey has found that at least 17 out of 10,000 babies have Autism Spectrum Disorder in Bangladesh. Autism is a mental condition characterised by difficulties in communicating and forming relationships by using language and abstract concepts since childhood. This is why new parents are encouraged by doctors to have their babies screened at an early stage, if they detect any signs of the disorder.
There is no cure for autism. This is why the society should support autistic children and help their loved ones nurture and care for them. In the process, these children can become a part of society.
Education of autistic children is expensive as one teacher cannot teach more than two/three children at a time. All the autism-related services in Bangladesh are available in urban areas. The government should help this cause in every way possible so that all autistic children can get the education suitable for them.
Sajjad Hossain
Gulshan, Dhaka