
Iraq bleeds in fratricidal war

Maswood Alam Khan from Maryland, USA | Sunday, 29 June 2014

When blood is splashing in Iraq, one may wonder, what the former US President Bush thinks in his private time as he drifts off to sleep each night. What does he think when he wakes up in the middle of the night? Does he think about the 4,500 American soldiers and 150,000 civilians killed in the Iraq invasion that he had initiated as US President and that cost American taxpayers nearly US$1.0 trillion? Is he not tormented by these nightmarish thoughts?
Today Iraq is bleeding as a corollary of the American invasion of Iraq in 2003. Of course, Shia and Sunni Muslims are equally responsible for not taking true lessons from Islam. Iraq may soon be broken up as ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) is dreaming to establish an Islamic caliphate. Osama bin-Laden has left this world, but his ideology is still firing the Sunnis to kill fellow Muslims.
Sunnis, who constitute about 80 per cent of Muslims of the world and Shias, about 20 per cent, have been waging deadly sectarian wars against each other for ages, the latest such battle is developing now in Iraq.
Everyday Baghdad morgues are being piled by dead bodies. They have gunshot wounds on their heads, some have signs of torture, and most of them are Sunnis. Peace-loving Sunnis are finding themselves trapped in a Shiite-dominated city threatened by extremist Sunnis, the ISIS and its allies, who want to kill all the Shiites.
The walls that were once built by the Americans to protect the Sunnis may now entrap them, making them easy prey for the Shia militias, the same way the same Shia militias executed Sunnis in the past after departure of Saddam Hussein. Some Sunnis have stopped going to work for fear of checkpoints, where Shia militiamen have joined the Iraqi Army and the police. Men are being abducted only to be killed and heaped in the morgues.
Sunnis in Baghdad are being massacred since ISIS took over Mosul on June 10.
ISIS captured the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, killing people and plundering public and private wealth and asking the city residents to offer their women for having sex with their soldiers in the name of "Jihadul Nikka". Only a few days back Pakistani Sunni militants killed 36 in an airport while al-Shabab radicals took credit for massacring at least 48 Kenyans in a coastal town and Boko Haram kidnapped hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls. This is the state of the Muslims.
ISIS, estimated at about 10,000-man strong in Iraq and Syria combined, has begun collecting taxes, levying fines and running lucrative mafia-like operations in its zone of control, giving it the resources to administer a quasi-state. The group already is pumping oil and even selling electricity to the very Assad government it is warring to overthrow. Muscled by Sunni militias ISIS is now advancing towards the Iraqi capital city of Baghdad while Sunnis in the capital are being killed, tortured and abducted by Shia militias backed by the Iraqi government forces.
Some 11 million Muslims have been violently killed since 1948, of which over 90 per cent were killed by fellow Muslims.  Most Muslims believe Islam never supports killing innocent people.
In the holy month of Ramadan Iraq may be flooded by the blood of Muslims in a horrible fratricidal war, if the world leaders fail to convince Iraq to establish an inclusive government that should represent all the components of the Iraqi people.
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