
Islam invaded by Muslims incognito

Saturday, 15 September 2007

Maswood Alam Khan
THERE are three easy ways in our society you can pick anyone from to kill an enemy. One, persuade him to go for a second marriage when his children are young; two, cheer him up to contest an election you are sure he would fail and three, encourage him to buy a second-hand car which you personally know will be inoperative soon. If your enemy is somehow made to tread in any of these ways, his life must be finished in a matter of time and you can then relish his miseries.
Only a fool picks a fight in public and sinks his teeth into his enemy's finger. If you are shrewd, you will always smile sweetly at your enemy while looking for a chance to take revenge upon him; your act of revenge against your adversary masquerading yourself as his friend will never arouse any suspicion in the public eye.
Just a few days before the holy month of Ramadan -- a month that teaches Muslims to practise restraints -- Osama bin Laden dyeing his grey beard to black has urged Americans 'to embrace Islam ditching capitalist democracy if they want to end war in Iraq'. Osama could better urge all the people of the world, Muslims and non-Muslims, to be his slaves! Such a dictum of a Muslim who claims to be leader of the Muslim world from a hideout is shameful!
Who has given this Osama to preach Islam in such a nasty way? What scholastic perfection can he claim to speak out the meaning of Islam? Where in Koran or Hadis or sayings of Hazrat Muhammad (SM) one can find a 'way of coercing any party into embracing Islam under duress'?
If there is a single religion since the dawn of civilisation which preached most for peaceful cohabitation among people of different religions, colours and creeds and which explicated an unambiguous and complete code of life for the whole mankind it is indisputably Islam. If there were a central global authority to adjudicate mannerisms of Muslims, or anyone claiming himself/herself as a Muslim, Osama, merely a bearer of a Muslim name, would have been umpired as a "Kafir", an enemy of Islam.
If Osama were the architect behind September 11 attacks on the United States he was undoubtedly planted by a global syndicate who are geared to destroy Islam the way one in our society, in the name of Islam, entices someone to go for a second marriage only to avenge himself upon his enemy.
Architects of September 11 attacks have already fulfilled their mission to present Islam to the world as "a medieval religion followed by the butchers" and germinated Islamophobia into many people who never got a chance to dig deep into the teachings of this noblest religion. Muslims, consequently, who used to pride themselves on having 'Muhammad' as their surnames are truncating this word in their passports. Parents are taking extra care in choosing non-Muslim names for their children lest they face harassments in international airports when they grow up. What an easy way of 'setting a thief to catch a thief'! Could this mission be successful if a non-Muslim were engaged to design a scheme that would ultimately tarnish the image of Islam to an extent when parents would have chosen non-Muslim names for their children?
Global strategists who design hegemony have two goals: one related to economy and the other to ideology. Wars waged by feuding parties or countries are required for destruction and reconstruction, both needs economic transactions essential to keep the wheels of the developed countries running. Ideology is essential to keep blood of people hot. Fueling ideological conflicts through religious fervours or misunderstandings easily propel the warriors to spill out their bloods already boiled or at boiling point.
The world is witnessing the Renaissance of Islam during the last few centuries and the syndicate out to destroy Islam is observing the unending growth of this religion now being followed by 1.4 billion people of the world. If Islam continues its growth in the present scale, the crusaders against Islam apprehend, the whole world might witness Muslims as the majority of global population in a matter of a decade or two. Therefore, now is the time to devise a strategy to fuse Islam with erroneously guided Muslims brainwashed with bigotries or 'non-Muslims with Muslim names' to detonate the religion from inside.
It is mind-boggling to observe that not a single non-Muslim can be found in the world who is doggedly busy speaking ill of Islam. All are Muslims, or bearers of Muslim names---Selman Rushdie, Taslima Nasreen, Osama bin Laden to name a few---who are propagating distorted messages of Islam.
There are hundred and one instances of countries planting on enemy soils spies who made their ways to occupy the positions of priests and imams though they didn't believe themselves in the faiths they were preaching from the pulpits of churches or minbars of mosques and many such spies preaching religions incognito were arrested during wars.
Now the question is who is funding these spies like "Bangla Bhai", Taslima Nasreen and Laden? Why were 4000 Jews working in the World Trade Centre were warned beforehand to stay home the day the Centre and The Pentagon in the United States were attacked by Laden's followers on September 11, 2001? Who is funding terrorist groups like JMB in Bangladesh? Why do literary directors and producers in our country portray the worst villains in TV dramas as Muslims with goatees on their chins and calluses on their foreheads?
Not all spies and followers of groups like JMB are necessarily non-Muslims. Some are devout Muslims, mostly young, who do their prayers, keep their fasting, perform their Hajj and carry out their other religious musts as impeccably as prescribed by our prophets. Nevertheless, they are picked and chosen at their formative age by some planted agents like Laden who speak in fluent Arabic and who recite by rote every stanza of Koran and can readily relate anything temporal with divine reference. Young boys learning in Madrasas and Maqtabs are enamoured by the elucidation of Koranic excerpts in perfect Arabic accents by those guest speakers like Laden and gulp whatever is spoon-fed by them. They can go for suicide missions on one-minute notice, if directed by their gurus, as they have been brainwashed that they can earn as many tickets for heaven for himself and his relations as many Americans they can kill in the name of Islam. These young Muslim boys can easily be indoctrinated or brainwashed towards even a new religion, opposed to Islam, if the preacher can only speak in Arabic in a lugubrious voice.
Strategists geared against Islam are not myopic; they have solid blueprints as long-range as 200-year perspective plan on how to sink this 1500-year old religion in gradual phases. Their pick of the bunch like Laden or Rushdie must be highly educated and master the art of motivation, brainwashing and indoctrination. These Rushdies are trained in different schools not open to Tom, Dick, and Harry of the public. These Ladens will never preach anything directly antagonistic towards Islam; they lure their gullible followers, by their mesmerism, to commit something like killing civilians in the name of martyrdom so that people next morning must hate the religion of Islam as they would be viewing in the newspapers the grotesque massacres committed by Muslims. To orchestrate this act of violence, on the other hand, another gang of Rushdies and Taslimas will pen their proses and poems in captivating languages unfurling some antiquated anecdotes and concocted tales about Islam.
Groups like Al-Qaeda are interpreting Jihad as their primary duty, as if a basic pillar of Islam, to kill non-Muslims to establish a kind of global caliphate by sending youngsters for Jihad with swords to fight with the Americans with MIG fighters or sending men with car bombs on suicide missions to kill unarmed civilians. What they are doing is just diagonally opposite to what Islam teaches Muslims to do. Nowhere in Koran or Hadis can one find any instruction to send soldiers on suicide missions, because suicide is 'Haraam' (banned). They are also distorting the noble meaning of Jihad.
Jihad means "to strive or struggle" against one's own self for self-perfection, Jihad of the tongue and Jihad of the hand to refrain ourselves from doing a crime against humanity and ethics. Yes, Islam also allows Jihad meaning sacrificing life while fighting face to face with enemies, when attacked, not to conquer lands and kill civilians or commit suicides in anticipation.
There is no room for Jihad for fighting or killing or committing suicide in the primary five basic pillars of Islam: 01. Kolema, the basic tenet of Islam: "I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and I testify that Muhammad is the last messenger of Allah"; 02. Saalaat, the ritual prayers which must be performed five times a day; 03. Zakat, the practice of giving alms based on accumulated wealth; 04. Roja, fasting during the month of Ramadan and 05. Hajj, the pilgrimage for every able-bodied Muslim, who can afford, to Kaaba in the city of Mecca, at least once in one's lifetime.
Islam teaches us how to honour human rights and leave room for independent thought on religious matters. A true follower of Islam does not even thump on ground forcefully while walking, let alone kill an unarmed civilian in London or New York.

(The writer is General Manager, Bangladesh Krishi Bank and can be reached at e-mail: [email protected])