
Italy's new PM set to unveil new cabinet

Thursday, 5 September 2019

ROME, Sept 04 (AFP): Italy's incoming Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte was expected Wednesday to present a new government of the anti establishment Five Star Movement and former centre-left foes after nearly a month of crisis.

Conte is set to see President Sergio Mattarella and unveil his new cabinet before the ministers are sworn in, bringing to an end a period of political turmoil sparked last month by the collapse of the country's populist coalition.
Luigi di Maio, head of the Five Star Movement (M5S), is tipped to be Italy's next foreign minister, while Roberto Gualtieri from the centre-left Democratic Party (PD) is frontrunner for the finance post in the eurozone's third largest economy.
Gualtieri, who has chaired the European Parliament's committee on economic and monetary affairs for the past five years, will have to move fast to deal with Italy's most pressing issue - the upcoming budget.
The M5S and PD have agreed to put aside their differences to prevent the country heading to the polls after strongman Matteo Salvini pulled his far-right League from government last month while MPs were at the beach.
The new coalition will have to be voted on in the lower and upper house of parliament, possibly by the end of the week, to ensure it has a majority. The small, left-wing Free and Equals party is expected to offer its support.