
Japan PM reprimands defence minister for A-bomb remarks

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

TOKYO, July 2 (AFP): Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe delivered a stern rebuke to the country's defence minister Monday for his suggestion that the US atomic bombings were the inevitable way to end World War II.
Atomic bomb survivors meanwhile told Defence Minister Fumio Kyuma to stay away from future memorial ceremonies in Nagasaki after his suggestion Saturday that the nuclear attacks on Japan by the United States "couldn't be helped".
The gaffe-prone defence minister was summoned by Abe and reprimanded for his controversial remarks.
"We must not hurt the feelings of atom bomb sufferers in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I want you to strictly refrain from making remarks that would cause people's misunderstanding," Abe said, Jiji Press reported.
"I was told by the prime minister to be careful about my comments. I'll follow his instruction," Kyuma told reporters after the meeting with Abe.
The controversy comes at a delicate time from Abe, who is already battling falling public support ahead of key upper house elections on July 29.
Kyuma, who represents Nagasaki in parliament, on Sunday apologised during a news conference in the southern port city for his remarks, which were denounced by ruling party and opposition lawmakers as well as victims of the attacks.
"His comments ridicule atomic bomb victims who have been campaigning to abolish nuclear weapons, fighting relentlessly despite their physical weakness," said Hirotami Yamada, a member of a group of A-bomb victims.
"We have sent a letter to Minister Kyuma saying that we will never allow his attendance at the peace memorial ceremony held on August 9," he told AFP by telephone.
On August 9, 1945, a US nuclear bomb, codenamed "Fat Man" after British wartime prime minister Winston Churchill, killed more than 70,000 people in Nagasaki.