
KHPC makes record in power generation

Thursday, 26 July 2007

Our Correspondent
CHITTAGONG, Jul 25: Kaptai Hydro Power Centre (KHPC) made a record in power generation when they generated 230 megawatt (mw) of power, Tuesday.
By doing so, it proved its capability in generating power to the maximum level.
With the full-fledged power generation, overall power supply situation in the port city improved a bit, concerned sources said.
As the Kaptai Lake was filled with an adequate quantity of water and all the five units were working, it could generate 230 mw of power, which had been marked as an unprecedented record in power generation, sources claimed.
Reportedly, KHPC could never generate power beyond 180 to 210 MW in the past.
According to KHPC sources, although the centre was capable of generating 230 MW of power, it could never reach its maximum level due to fault in the production units, shortage of water in the Kaptai Lake and other problems during last 10 years.
Apart from this, negligence of certain officials is, reportedly, also responsible for the failure of the KHPC in generating power up to the desired level.
With the launch of the drives by the joint forces, discipline in the power center has partially been restored.
Besides, the Anti-corruption Commission (ACC) and the National Board of Revenue (NBR) have also started investigation against the corrupt officials of the centre.
Meantime, the task of power generation in Shikalbaha Power Centre resumed Tuesday after a 10-day long cessation due to mechanical problems.