
Launching of 'Mission 2011' to build sustainable info for poor in July

Sunday, 1 July 2007

A two-day launching ceremony of "Mission 2011: Building Sustainable Information and Knowledge System for the Poor" begins here from July 17 with a view to reducing poverty and achieving faster growth in the country, reports BSS.
Chairperson of Bangladesh Telecentre Network Abdul Muyeed Chowdhury stated this at a press conference in the city Saturday.
The grand programme will be kicked off at Bangladesh-China Friendship Conference Centre on July 17 with the participation of over 2,000 foreign and local experts and wizards as a historic event to achieve sustainable development in Bangladesh.
Muyeed Chowdhury said, the grand launching will have one plenary, 11 breakout sessions, one roundtable and concluding ceremony in two days side by side with a grand exhibition on telecentre models and other ICT4D practitioners.
He said Caretaker Government's Adviser Tapan Chowdhury has given his consent to be the chief guest at the grand opening session while BRAC University Vice Chancellor Jamilur Reza Chowdhury will present the keynote paper titled "Telecentre Movement in Bangladesh: Achieving Mission 2011 for Poverty Alleviation."
Swiss Ambassador Dora Rapold, UNDP Country Director Manoj Basnyat, Planning Commission member Shah Alam, Indian Govern-ment's Common Service Centres Programme chief Aruna Sundaranjan, GrameenPhone CEO Erik Aas, Global Knowledge Partner-ship's chief Harsha Lianage are also scheduled to address the launching ceremony, Bangla-desh Telecentre Network Secretary General Ananya Raihan told the news agency.
Ananya also said Finance Adviser AB Mirza Azizul Islam has also given his consent to be the chief guest at the closing session on July 18 at the end of the two-day deliberations of the civil society leaders and experts of global repute.