
Leader of business syndicate arrested

Monday, 16 July 2007

Our Correspondent
CHITTAGONG, July 15: The leader of a business syndicate was arrested by the joint forces for his alleged involvement in buying a machine at an abnormally low price of Tk 4.0 million against its actual price of Tk 30 million in collaboration with a section of dishonest customs officials.
According to the concerned sources, businessman Iqbal participating in a recent auction by the customs authority purchased an ultra-modern Rig Machine at a price of Tk 4.0 million only.
The machine was reportedly shown as a truck of ordinary standard at the time of inventory in collaboration with the dishonest officials of the concerned section of the Chittagong Customs House (CCH).
Acting on secret infomation, the joint forces conducted investigation into the incident and became sure about it. They asked the buyer Iqbal to return the machine which was sold to him evading a big amount of duty and tax.
Iqbal returned the machine and it was now lying at the disposal of the customs authority.
Iqbal was arrested by the joint forces and later sent to the court. The court sent him to jail hazat.