
Legal actions against illegal cattle markets: DMP chief

19 cattle markets to be set up in the capital

FE REPORT | Saturday, 8 June 2024

Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) warned of taking legal actions against setting up unauthorised cattle markets in the capital during the upcoming Eid-ul-Azha.
It also cautioned to detain persons with cattle, if they are found setting up illegal cattle markets in the capital.
DMP Commissioner Habibur Rahman issued the warnings in a press briefing on Friday, while informing media about the measures taken by DMP to ensure security in the city's cattle markets on the occasion of the upcoming festival.
He said approval was given by the designated authority to set up a total of 19 (including two permanent) cattle markets in the capital (both north and south).
DMP would take actions against the lease holders of cattle markets, if they keep cattle on the places or roads that are beyond the designated market areas.
He also said there would be coordination among the volunteers, lease holders and law-enforcing agency members to ensure security in the cattle markets.
Police personnel would ensure safety and security of the cattle traders and customers. Detective Branch (DB) teams would remain vigil against criminals (molom and agyan parties).
Besides, patrolling of drones would also be there for ensuring security in the markets. DMP cyber team would also monitor the online cattle markets, so that customers are not cheated.
The DMP commissioner noted that necessary steps are also taken to detect fake notes in the cattle markets. They have talked with the Bangladesh Bank, which would help setting up fake note detecting machines in the markets.
He called upon the cattle market leaseholders not to take extra hasil or tax (than the stipulated amount) from the customers.
Police would take actions, if anyone tries or force cattle traders to go to another cattle market from the one that the traders opted themselves.
Mr Habibur Rahman called upon all to be cautious, so that traffic jams, centring cattle markets in the capital, would not take place, and smooth traffic movement as well as hassle-free journey of homebound passengers on the occasion of the upcoming festival can be facilitated.
He said they have also requested Power Division for supplying uninterrupted power to the cattle markets.
Replying to a question, he said Nepali police handed over Siam, one of the masterminds behind lawmaker Anwarul Azim Anar murder, to Indian police. CID of Kolkata, India was interrogating Siam on the murder.
Probe into the murder is being jointly carried out by Bangladesh and Indian police forces in a coordinated manner, and they would take next decisions in this regard.

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