
Let the world fund your idea

Md Wahidul Islam | Thursday, 16 April 2015

Try to remember what you did on the day when woke up in the morning having a new business idea in your mind. Probably you shared with your parents at the breakfast table but surely were scolded. Then you shared with your close friends in the evening but were ignored. After some days, you had an appointment with an investor but his prerequisites made your skin perspire. As the last ray of hope, you went to a bank but it was reluctant as you did not have any collateral. Such an experience is like groaning in the dark when you know you can do it but there is none to help you out in your way. But believe it, after darkness comes the mist of dawn; 7 billion people around the world bring about the mist, and it is crowdfunding. Yes, crowdfunding is the process by which you can put your idea online, and raise fund.
Generally crowdfunding contributions are of small amount, e.g. $5, $10, $20, $40, and so on. Imagine, you need BDT 10,00,000 (approx. $12500) to implement your idea. If there are 25,000 people contributing $40 (approx. BDT 3200) each, or 50,000 people contributing $20 (approx. BDT 1600) each, you are done! Now the question is, "why should so many people donate me?"  Conventional perks promised by crowd-funders include giving the chance to enjoy incentives relating to the idea, along with long term benefits e.g. life-time special discount after the idea is marketed, recognition as founding member, and so on. Thus a balanced composition of short-term incentives and long term benefits easily attracts mass people.     
Another question must be wandering, "where and how to do it?" There are
 many funding sites in the world where you can present your idea to collect funds. But the most common sites include Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Another good news is, Projekt.co is the first ever crowdfunding site of Bangladesh. Albeit a new site, this is moving in very promising fashion. On such a crowdfunding site, you delineate how your idea works, what you are supposed to do with the raised money, and what is the perks for those contributing to your idea.  It is recommended to use cinematography of your idea for better understanding.   
The following example will make the concept more understandable. On Indiegogo, Flow Hive which lets you find honey on tap directly from beehive started their fundraising on February 22 with the goal of raising $70000. It seeks for contribution ranging from $30 to $600 while their perks range from postcards to home delivery of full Flow Hive set. It also commits to pay minimum 50% of the shipping cost worldwide. Both the idea and the perks are so much loved that it has already risen to $98, 88,945 with 6 days in hand. It has got 27,385 people so far around the world contributing to the project. It sounds like a tale but that's the amazing truth.   
While launching project,  you may connect those people who can create buzz about you. Connect famous local news publishers, as well as global ones like Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Mashable via email to publish articles about your project. Be precise and concrete while describing your business idea. Finally, you may open up a social media page, and share all the happenings out there. You can also add your contributors to your friends' list, and keep them updated as social media is the best place to maintain a long-term relationship with people. Remember, these contributors are creating word-of-mouth about your idea, and your future customers as well. So, who can be more priceless than these people? None!   
The writer is the Head of Copywriting and Cofounder
 of CRAVEEE, [email protected]